
Chinese originals are well-known in the United Nations | Sublimation Elevator won the honor of global social responsibility for human settlements!


The 2018 Global Forum on Human Settlements (GFHS2018) was held at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok, Thailand, from October 30th to 31st. More than 400 guests from 40 countries attended the event and were reported by more than 900 mainstream media around the world.

(The scene of the Global Human Settlements Forum)


    Mr. Stefanos Fortiu, a senior United Nations official, said: "Having housing for city dwellers is a fundamental human right established by the United Nations". The original "safe and land-saving elevator" of the Chinese enterprise Shenghua Elevator fits this theme, has made outstanding contributions to saving land resources, and won the honorary certificate of global social responsibility for human settlements.


(Chairman Luo Haimin made a keynote speech at the United Nations Conference Center and exchanged views with Ambassador Anwar Chowdhury, Chairman of the Forum, and took a group photo)


    At the same time, Luo Haimin, chairman of Shenghua Elevator, was invited to speak at the conference, introducing the innovative technology of Shenghua micro-crack sills and safe and provincial elevators. In his speech, he pointed out that the hoistway utilization rate of sublimation elevators is about 29% higher than that of traditional elevators, and each floor can save 1 square meter of hoistway area, and each unit can save 20 square meters on average. According to the calculation of 1.4 million new elevators in the world every year, the saved hoistway area can solve the housing problem for 1 million people, effectively saving valuable land resources. In particular, the micro-gap sill technology not only saves the area of ​​the hoistway, but also improves the safety of the elevator, and fills in the gaps in the sill that have plagued the elevator industry for hundreds of years.

(The former Minister of Sustainable Consumption and Production of the United Nations Environment Program, Alab Khobara, issued the "Global Human Settlement Environmental Social Responsibility Certificate of Honor" to Sublimation Elevator)


    Sublimation safety elevators attracted the attention of the delegates and the media. During the two-day event arrangement, they exchanged experiences with a number of delegates and the media, shared experiences and established new partnerships. At the same time, officials and experts at the meeting said: This kind of excellent elevator should go to the world through the platform of the United Nations.

(Group photo of the delegates, the sixth from the left in the front row is Chairman Luo Haimin)

(Chairman Luo Haimin was interviewed by the media)